Metal Coating
The QED design philosophy for our hot-dip furnaces is to make them strong and to make them last. Our galvanizers and Galfan® baths are ruggedly built with multiple layers of refractory in a special interlocked design giving them a long and reliable service life. The design incorporates non-wetable refractories in a special freeze-plane configuration that secures liquid metal containment. Our aluminizing furnace is a reverberatory design using the latest generation of castable refractories.
We manufacture two distinct types of ceramic lined baths: the Immersion Burner System and the classic Top Heated System. The well proven Immersion Burner System offers high fuel efficiency with advanced recuperative burners and is the system of choice for most wire producers. The Top Heated System is a rugged low cost alternative that is available with many fuel options including oil fired.
A key advanced design component of our multiple burner furnaces is our patented Pressure Control System that provides a very high turn-down ration for superior burner control system performance.